Bitter Kola ( a bustard bucket)


Bitter Kola ( a bustard bucket)

A paint


Bitter kola seeds have a sharp, bitter flavour that eases into a slight sweetness as you chew, and they’re typically eaten raw. Although bitter kola has been eaten in Africa hundreds of years. Scientists are just beginning to study the health benefits of this flowering plant. According to these early studies, bitter kola may be able to help with health problems including: See below



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Bitter kola has been used over the years to fight infections from the common cold to hepatitis. A 2018 study showed that bitter kola can help combat coughs, bacterial infections, and viral infections. Eating bitter kola when an infection starts may help fight the infection and make you feel better more quickly.

Inflammation: Bitter kola seeds have commonly been chewed on in Africa to fight against inflammatory conditions like arthritis. One 2008 study showed that patients with osteoarthritis in their knees showed significantly reduced inflammation when eating bitter kola compared to a placebo. The high levels of potassium in bitter kola may be a contributing factor in reducing inflammation


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